We provide a simple tool to change currencies instantly. Within seconds you can have the desired amount in your amnis account to make a same-day international money transfer.
Moreover, we offer various clearing automations to simplify the foreign currency exchange transaction for you.
For our foreign currency exchange feature “limit order”, you can set your desired price and get the deal as soon as the target rate is reached in the currency markets.
Using our automated foreign currency exchange at your preferred target rate you’ll never miss the right time.
FX hedging has never been so easy.
You can enter a forward contract at any time. Moreover, you can easily adjust the value date of a forward contract to get full flexibility for your foreign currency exchange needs.
With this feature, currency fluctuations should never affect the profit of your core business again.
Strategizing your foreign currency exchange is the best way to manage currency fluctuation risk.
Let our system do the work for you. Simply set your target rate and date - the software does the rest.